Life is measured by success.  Why not learn these success lessons from a very old and wise dragon - and not just any dragon, but a Great Silver Dragon?  "Ian and the Great Silver Dragon" is a series of chapter books about a young boy who learns about dragons from old books and becomes obsessed about them.  What he doesn't know is that dragons are real, and one of them is about to become his mentor.

"Ian and the Great Silver Dragon Bry-Ankh" is the first book in an adventure series showing children how to make their dreams come true.  These are books with a positive message and tools for success and personal accomplishment, based on ancient wisdom.  The idea is that dreams are "things" that can become real when children know the recipe.  Whatever the heart and mind of a child can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.

Come with us on an exciting journey to an ancient civilization in Book 2, "Ian and the Great Silver Dragon: A Friendship Begins." Learn along with Ian secrets of the past that can be used in the present..

The dragon in this series isn't a nemesis to be feared. He's a kind and wise friend reminding children that they're active participants in creating their lives - and he's available to help in moments of difficulty. The dragon represents the voice in our head or the person we've met who's been where we want to go or done what we want to do, is willing to tell us how to do it, and is willing to participate in our life in a positive, meaningful way.

The ideas, life lessons, and success principles in this series were inspired by the success organizations I've been part of and countless books and audio programs I've studied. I want to tell great stories but I also want to empower children,help them see that they can create or manifest anything. They can be heroes. They can be great human beings.

This series of books will teach children and adults how to make dreams come true. Come with us on a journey of fun and excitement as we learn the tools for success and personal accomplishment. Dreams are "things" and things can become real when you know the recipe. We have the recipe; find it when you read these tales of adventure and learning.

The latest addition to the series, "Ian and the Great Silver Dragon: A Hero is Reborn," takes our characters into greater mysteries and ancient family secrets. In this adventure, Ian is introduced to new mentors that help him remember the greatness that he once was. Learn how Ian is connected to a past that is more ancient than time itself. He will discover how to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.